osu! is a free-to-win online rhythm game
osu! gameplay is based on a variety of popular commercial rhythm games. While keeping some authentic elements, osu! adds huge customisation via skins/beatmaps/storyboarding, online rankings, multiplayer and boasts a community with over 500,000 active users! Play the way you want to play, with your own music, and share your creations with others.
Ever wanted to help craft the maps that define the osu!taiko and osu!catch World Cups? Join the osu!taiko or osu!catch World Cup 2025 mappooling team as a mapper, playtester, or map modder!
25.02.01 Featured Artist Track Updates: Akiri
Instead of announcing a new Featured Artist this weekend, we're putting the spotlight on an older one: Akiri is back, adding a boatload of new songs to their Featured Artist collection!
25.01.31 Locus
The osu! team is proud to unveil its most ambitious community project to date: Locus — an all-new original song and beatmap contest.
With the tournament drawing near to its halfway point, our contestants' fighting spirits are on the rise!
Online Users over the last 24 hours
Game Chat also connect from irc
22:41:26 | miki477 : sybau |
22:41:30 | Teru : true |
22:41:31 | miki477 : lazer < |
22:41:40 | miki477 : gn osu |
22:41:41 | miki477 : stable |
22:42:08 | raure : u meant lazer > stable, right |
22:42:26 | Failed : does lazer even have fruit shopping game mode |
22:42:30 | Nebk : no he meant lazer gn osu stable |
22:42:30 | Waguri : multy are you like muody |
22:43:18 | Teru : true |