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God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit
58 posts


ღ Thank you [profile=5351518:1337]-Kaguya[/profile:1337]♛, [profile=8387373:1337]Yiihao[/profile:1337]♛ and [profile=6211695:1337]KayKey[/profile:1337]♛ for supporter gifts ღ

Birthday present from dearest Zhi Thank you so very much!!
❀ ~ About me! ~ ❀

• Uni in UK • CTB • low ar enjoyer

I miss old, simpler mapping...

• Sekai • Apex • Genshin • a

Meaning of my username: 恩
[eun] means kindness/charity/mercy or silver.
The one and only

Kaguya: My best friend on osu since 2015. You really mean lots to me <333 c:
People I treasure alot

| Zhi | [profile=5209045:1337]Tephtunia[/profile:1337] | [profile=7053866:1337]Emily Yukari[/profile:1337] | [profile=10043310:1337]Eito[/profile:1337] | [profile=9718235:1337]LeWind[/profile:1337] | [profile=10920086:1337]Huytimeclock[/profile:1337] | [profile=10278890:1337]Marota[/profile:1337] | [profile=6316919:1337]--No--Name--[/profile:1337] | [profile=8387373:1337]Yiihao[/profile:1337] |
| [profile=4220829:1337]lovemathboy[/profile:1337] | [profile=3809967:1337]woodpamp[/profile:1337] | [profile=10095644:1337]Ruiz[/profile:1337] | [profile=3555626:1337]Funtastic[/profile:1337] | [profile=7562669:1337]July[/profile:1337] | Umi Nagi | [profile=7293637:1337]Prince Zariel[/profile:1337] | [profile=7789926:1337]bvyans[/profile:1337] | [profile=6642597:1337]Rukairi[/profile:1337] | [profile=3221898:1337]Constantine[/profile:1337] |
[profile=5034270:1337]Zakrusta[/profile:1337] | [profile=5404711:1337]Des9[/profile:1337] | [profile=10415976:1337]Mashiro Mama[/profile:1337] | [profile=16859546:1337]e wong[/profile:1337] | [profile=13966422:1337]Ekseff[/profile:1337] | [profile=6701104:1337]Nene Sakura[/profile:1337]

and many more...
my final motivation to stay in this community.

My first friend on Osu but now quit w ;w;

[profile=6211695:1337]KayKey[/profile:1337]: Pro osu!std teacher whom I respect very much.

My first role model in osu! Someone who kept me motivated, a true inspiration to me improving at the game. Encouraging me every time I improved even a bit. Honestly a very underrated and humble player who I still strive to be like!! I really hope to catch up to you one day amay, someday I will ;w;

[profile=1296819:1337]furaichi[/profile:1337] + [profile=1169796:1337]Accel[/profile:1337]
My wonderful friends. They are always there when I am feeling down about real life things, they keep encouraging me to fight on when things get tough whether on Osu or in real life ღ

❀ More Appreciation ❀
-[profile=4689182:1337]guero531[/profile:1337], [profile=3721600:1337]amay173[/profile:1337], [profile=2099035:1337]Wii[/profile:1337], [profile=4427762:1337]Narukami[/profile:1337], [profile=7330584:1337]BlitzArk[/profile:1337], [profile=7528029:1337]FilthiestLion34[/profile:1337] and everyone else from Guero's stream for the early memories. Good times :3

CWC TEAM SINGAPORE! 2017/2018/2020! PogFrog:
He Ang Erika | Supreme Leader, Hard Carry
[profile=4236057:1337]Xinnoh[/profile:1337] | 'UTC - 8' man (Canada man), Mapper advantage
[profile=2673742:1337]Setsuen[/profile:1337] | le HD Man
[profile=1169796:1337]Accel[/profile:1337] | DED LEGEND :((
[profile=4220829:1337]lovemathboy[/profile:1337] SG's true carry. Destroyer of worlds, horseman of the apocalypse, "I fced by accident :shrug:"
[profile=8387373:1337]Yiihao[/profile:1337] SG's upcoming carry Pog, Genshin man
???? ? ? ?


13.627 42.6087 19.7336 54.7826 Nene Sakura
13.7295 0 18.5451 38.4783 Bart
0 13.0435 13.3197 59.7826 [Eun]
32.8893 0.2174 16.4959 40 hypnoSpirA
35.041 41.5217 28.6885 40 Aceon
49.7951 0.2174 17.0082 40 woodpamp
67.3156 0 14.959 43.2609 Ayashiki
82.6844 0 16.9057 43.4783 Malai
73.2582 44.7826 22.2336 43.6957 CornDoggy

still updating!
Standard fav players of all time
WWW, Vaxei, rustbell, FlyingTuna

Most respected players: Abstract-, He Ang
More players I rly respect: lovemathboy, Accel, Ken Doll, Neta, CrimsonPleasee, Kyako, Abstract fellow convert grinders and low ar enjoyers

mappers I like
Ken, Ilhamuharam, Exgon, afb, rustyy, crowley, mniam

STD/convert Mappers
Hollow Wings, Axarious, DeviousPanda, fanzhen, funky tech/slider mappers/ low ar mappers
Credits to: [profile=4295595:1337]Kurochiie[/profile:1337], [profile=4620236:1337]- K a t h -[/profile:1337], [profile=4085133:1337]-[Jess]-[/profile:1337], [profile=3692812:1337]stal[/profile:1337], _myr17, [profile=3881028:1337]juesus[/profile:1337] and the O!C gfx Team for the hard work they put into making graphics for me and everyone these past few years.
General Top Ranks Historical Beatmaps Achievements
Performance: 8,629pp (#847) #9

30 days agoDays90 days agonow#500#1000Rank#1000#500Performance Rank
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Detailed Stats
Ranked Score: 47,577,934,510

Hit Accuracy: 99.67%

Play Count: 74,468

Play Time: 1,094 hours

Total Score: 156,234,817,778

Current Level: 101


Total Hits: 33,443,005

Maximum Combo: 6,001

Total Kudosu Earned: 0

Replays Watched by Others: 177 times

348 3682 894

For further information on stats and scoring, see the wiki.
Top Ranks