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[ Sui-chan ]
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10 posts
I am living on a budget ;) < Tho I whale in games :| >

If any taiko/ctb player wants to mutual with me, let me know to add you !

EZFL main on CTB, this gamemode is great LOL
This is my progress so far



Current playstyle:
Keybinds: ZXOP
Technique: DDKK full alt

Wrist position: left wrist(ZX) down, right wrist(OP) up.

Why DDKK (full alt) and why ZX OP with that wrist positioning ? : Those keybinds with that wrist position made my RSI inflict less pain from a comfortable position, which I use even now.
DDKK was just very easy to learn, stuck with it.

Keyboard: Rainy 75 Pro (JWK WOB Switches)

Previous playstyle

Technique: KDDK full alt
Keybinds: QW Numpad7 Numpad8 (same height keys ew, I like ZX rather than QW, preference tho)
both wrists down (Inflincted more pain on my wrists, but that keyboard didn't allow my position to work very well)
Keyboard: BFKB113PBK
Other similar KB that I used with this playstyle: Cherry stream ( 125hz polling rate :< )


Keybinds: ZX

Grip: hvick225 pen grip but not perfected, personally I have no clue how to exactly hold it like him even after 2 years.

Keypad: ProX Mini V2

Switches: Momoka Flamingos (Best linear switches I've ever used, hands down.)

Tablets: Wacom CTL 480, Wacom CTE-450 (x2 lmao, one grey one white), Wacom CTL 472.


Lethal Muscles Collab

EZFL Supremacy Collab with DoomRogue


With holawenas(asdcorf)

With daniel_lm

With jean grasu

With SheepISMyCiTY( shigeroza )

Standard proud plays

Proudest play: on Sakase * Sakase[Insane](FC) (not on bancho)<Sniped it here, but not gonna repost.> And What I've Done[Hard](PASS)
YT Channel: budget_hvick225 (I have a lot of HR plays, streams and whatevs)
General Top Ranks Historical Beatmaps Achievements
Performance: 2,648pp (#79,856) #278

30 days agoDays90 days agonow#50000#100000Rank#100000#50000Performance Rank
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Detailed Stats
Ranked Score: 99,204,748

Hit Accuracy: 96.28%

Play Count: 1,920

Play Time: 44 hours

Total Score: 718,497,518

Current Level: 47


Total Hits: 1,658,654

Maximum Combo: 2,739

Total Kudosu Earned: 0

Replays Watched by Others: 0 times

0 54 15

For further information on stats and scoring, see the wiki.
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