Beatmap Listing » The Fall of Troy - Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles

Artist:The Fall of Troy Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:RyuK Accuracy:
Length:3:43 (3:33 drain)
Source: Genre:Rock (English) BPM:159
Tags:ryan indie punk rock english experimental progressive metal mathcore equal vision records evr112 doppelgänger doppelganger tim ward andrew forsman thomas User Rating:
1 76
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
8.8% (6690 of 76078 plays)
Dec 15, 2020
Aug 29, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 422 times in total
Users that love this map: gokiburi_sk, jabronski, Correlate, niko-, michaelisabear, Tuna Salat, Hunsaker, Kuro Kumo, Jyuifty, PredatorXB, _Nacoro, 88888555, FlamyBird, Yip, Riku-Desu, hhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Aceified, paraoka, oni, Faur and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion
This map is in a LOVED state.
As such, it will not award any pp and leaderboards may be reset by the beatmap creator.

change da world
my final message. Goodbye

thank you sammish for letting me use your timing
credits to - Ashe - for the original base timing

Metadata Sources:
- Primary:

- Secondary:änger/master/301473

Background Source:

As the background used is the (Second) album cover that Doppelgänger has, it'd be great if the artist could be referenced in the description to properly credit it!

Artist: Kester Limner
Official page:
gnahus is in the lead! ()
Score56,154,200 (98.69%)
Max Combo1602
300 / 100 / 501101 / 22 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)298
Katu (Beat!)16

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
56,154,200 98.69% gnahus 1602 1101  /  22  /  0 298 16 0 HD
55,999,168 98.40% his kitten 1602 1096  /  27  /  0 293 21 0 HD
55,857,210 98.58% maliszewski 1603 1099  /  24  /  0 300 14 0 HD
55,419,867 97.97% Intercambing 1602 1089  /  33  /  1 295 18 0 HD
52,758,700 98.58% rudj 1602 1099  /  24  /  0 299 15 0 None
43,974,640 95.12% Dawnwing 1483 1042  /  78  /  1 265 46 2 None
36,415,960 99.02% Dafonz 1285 1107  /  15  /  0 300 13 1 None
34,100,870 95.49% PaintedKoala 1276 1053  /  55  /  6 274 34 9 None
29,802,017 98.60% tfge 1140 1102  /  16  /  0 295 15 5 HD
28,653,520 97.00% Jesus Christus 1050 1073  /  49  /  0 277 37 1 None
27,831,630 98.31% Mastasz 966 1095  /  27  /  0 296 17 1 None
27,729,850 97.92% rHO 1138 1090  /  29  /  0 288 22 4 None
27,473,080 98.63% decaten 864 1102  /  17  /  0 298 14 4 None
26,347,450 98.46% seegii 930 1098  /  23  /  0 297 15 2 None
26,000,850 97.03% nick1324 1046 1074  /  47  /  0 282 30 2 None
25,858,040 97.12% Kurumiw 997 1075  /  47  /  0 282 31 1 None
25,374,380 96.94% TESTER PIVKA 892 1072  /  50  /  0 276 37 1 None
25,287,983 97.77% VizerX 991 1088  /  30  /  0 293 17 5 HD
25,009,750 95.09% lizzzil 1083 1044  /  71  /  1 265 43 7 None
24,637,440 97.74% RyuK 864 1086  /  35  /  0 286 26 2 None
24,498,240 96.85% SaintSFT 865 1072  /  46  /  2 276 33 3 None
21,914,690 95.16% Ohio 942 1044  /  74  /  0 261 51 5 None
21,496,470 97.92% DarthInvaderZim 982 1090  /  29  /  0 292 18 4 None
21,332,120 96.96% -Petar 906 1074  /  44  /  1 279 31 4 None
21,329,590 97.14% Willo 861 1076  /  44  /  1 285 26 2 None
21,018,280 97.45% AllyrD 828 1082  /  37  /  0 283 27 4 None
20,995,825 95.55% okinamo 866 1052  /  63  /  0 267 39 8 HD
19,879,420 95.81% pundice 673 1056  /  59  /  2 270 42 6 None
19,837,430 97.33% Meniwa 837 1079  /  42  /  0 278 34 2 None
19,809,422 97.49% BMG_ 660 1083  /  35  /  1 281 28 4 HD
19,803,720 97.68% Dezku 838 1086  /  33  /  0 284 26 4 None
19,708,210 96.33% koral 668 1063  /  56  /  1 270 41 3 None
19,225,330 96.65% - Frane- 665 1070  /  46  /  0 277 31 7 None
18,873,260 98.16% Coreanmaluco 724 1093  /  28  /  0 291 21 2 None
18,819,990 95.58% SkadiMyMommy 802 1053  /  60  /  2 258 50 8 None
18,764,570 96.44% sl4tt 829 1066  /  50  /  2 280 28 5 None
18,395,520 95.84% Welter 812 1054  /  67  /  0 259 53 2 None
18,242,998 97.92% Alfrah 708 1090  /  29  /  0 288 22 4 HD
18,021,490 98.16% Rinnu 865 1095  /  22  /  0 293 15 6 None
17,837,270 95.93% L4plus1 671 1058  /  58  /  0 263 44 7 None
17,737,270 97.63% Amasetic 841 1087  /  28  /  0 287 21 8 None
17,142,840 96.19% -Peachii 646 1063  /  51  /  1 270 37 8 None
17,017,710 96.51% Johto 663 1066  /  53  /  1 273 37 3 None
16,997,000 95.77% Berinjela Chan 860 1058  /  52  /  1 270 37 12 None
16,984,540 96.47% Aotoleen 581 1065  /  55  /  0 266 45 3 None
16,852,360 96.41% Failing 646 1064  /  56  /  0 276 35 3 None
16,685,190 94.06% AmaoTsuki 785 1027  /  88  /  0 255 51 8 None
16,663,350 96.54% -Ke15 606 1067  /  51  /  1 279 31 4 None
16,612,470 97.09% Topoi 728 1077  /  40  /  0 276 32 6 None
16,550,140 96.38% treyarch 649 1064  /  55  /  0 275 36 4 None
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