Beatmap Listing » The Fall of Troy - Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles

Artist:The Fall of Troy Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:RyuK Accuracy:
Length:3:43 (3:33 drain)
Source: Genre:Rock (English) BPM:159
Tags:ryan indie punk rock english experimental progressive metal mathcore equal vision records evr112 doppelgänger doppelganger tim ward andrew forsman thomas User Rating:
1 76
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
8.8% (6690 of 76078 plays)
Dec 15, 2020
Aug 29, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 422 times in total
Users that love this map: gokiburi_sk, jabronski, Correlate, niko-, michaelisabear, Tuna Salat, Hunsaker, Kuro Kumo, Jyuifty, PredatorXB, _Nacoro, 88888555, FlamyBird, Yip, Riku-Desu, hhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Aceified, paraoka, oni, Faur and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion
This map is in a LOVED state.
As such, it will not award any pp and leaderboards may be reset by the beatmap creator.

change da world
my final message. Goodbye

thank you sammish for letting me use your timing
credits to - Ashe - for the original base timing

Metadata Sources:
- Primary:

- Secondary:änger/master/301473

Background Source:

As the background used is the (Second) album cover that Doppelgänger has, it'd be great if the artist could be referenced in the description to properly credit it!

Artist: Kester Limner
Official page:
AutoLs is in the lead! ()
Score20,430,800 (99.73%)
Max Combo535
300 / 100 / 501596 / 1 / 262
Geki (Elite Beat!)307
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
20,430,800 99.73% AutoLs 535 1596  /  1  /  262 307 0 5 None
17,771,500 98.28% Nealth 657 1573  /  1  /  258 295 4 28 None
14,782,530 98.87% vafara 562 1583  /  1  /  259 297 3 18 None
13,441,967 97.53% Keisuu 544 1566  /  1  /  251 287 11 35 HD
10,277,547 99.25% Arctaroll 952 1589  /  1  /  260 304 2 12 HR,HT
8,891,070 98.61% EpanPan 319 1578  /  1  /  259 298 3 23 None
8,741,860 98.66% Adeus 357 1580  /  1  /  258 296 4 21 None
8,367,967 98.82% mine 264 1585  /  1  /  256 297 6 16 HD
7,889,060 98.02% tsubaki131 245 1568  /  1  /  258 292 4 33 None
6,250,770 97.64% elkcloner 265 1564  /  1  /  255 285 7 37 None
3,366,570 96.51% Akaza Naoyasu 247 1556  /  1  /  242 282 20 45 EZ
2,887,484 94.90% BocDyx 151 1516  /  1  /  252 252 10 85 HD
1,815,580 93.83% Zurgdude 148 1506  /  1  /  242 253 20 95 NF
1,529,620 91.52% Fuunoli 142 1462  /  1  /  243 229 19 139 NF
1,474,096 96.30% Nugget The Cat 142 1543  /  1  /  251 267 11 58 HT
695,400 81.87% Hades 54 1299  /  1  /  226 160 36 302 NF
638,370 78.17% Jorixk 54 1236  /  1  /  220 127 42 365 NF
550,550 70.60% Meza1234 74 1129  /  1  /  186 94 76 472 NF
248,486 48.02% pop_pop_pop1234 18 746  /  1  /  148 33 114 855 NF,EZ,DT
33,902 6.01% Norial 3 97  /  0  /  15 0 247 1505 NF,HD,HR,DT,FL
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