Beatmap Listing » MyGO!!!!! - Mayoiuta

Artist:MyGO!!!!! Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Mayoiuta HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Gust Accuracy:
Length:3:15 (3:05 drain)
Source:BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! Genre:Pop (Japanese) BPM:190
Tags:bandori 高松燈 千早愛音 要楽奈 長崎そよ 椎名立希 羊宮妃那 立石凛 青木陽菜 小日向美香 林鼓子 tomori takamatsu anon chihaya raana kaname soyo nagasaki taki User Rating:
9 113
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
18.6% (3411 of 18352 plays)
Sep 23, 2023
Nov 10, 2023
Rating Spread:
Favourited 215 times in total
Users that love this map: fatsnk, shiyux201314, coolapple520, yuantianhaohf, Marquez, HCLAW, Kinomi, runandtom, Vert, Lancien, Plus4j, Neet Sama, Rainty_tw, YamYA, Silent Rock, Andysit, NCCn1nG, -Haqua, MizuSK, Fuyuka and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion


If you've also lost your way, please don't stop.
I hope this map can touch your heart along with the song; that's what I originally intended when I started mapping.
more things I want to say



This map may not be good.

This song expresses my true situation and thoughts.
I know there are countless better songs in the world, but right now, it is this one that truly resonates with me.
That's what music is.
As a mapper, all I can do is engrave my current situation, thoughts, struggles, and confusion into this map.
To the discerning players and mappers, I apologize.
Please forgive my selfishness.


I stand alone, lost in the busy crowd
At the center of a crossroads, drifting aimlessly

No one ever writes songs about people like me
Please, don't mock me from your point of view

Another day of biting my tongue, holding back my emotions
Completing a draft yet unfinished
Ah, that's how I spend the countless nights, time and time again

It's for my own sake, and that's all, and that's all there ever was
Searching for a way out, my words poured out and well over
I hope they reach you, and mend the scars left on your soul
Even as I am, I am alive, and I scream out
The cry of a wandering star

People only ever care about what your future holds
The present-day me who stands before them may as well be nothing

Cast aside, ignored because I can't force myself to shine bright
So just stop telling me how promising my tomorrow could be

Dim hints of stardust flicker, forsaken in the night sky
Faltering, hesitating, losing sight of their path
Ah, the one lost and wandering... is me

I'll try to be me, and that's all, and that's all I can do now
I can't try to be like someone else, that'll never work out at all
Why should I consign these painful days to just being dreary?
Even though I stumble, I'll struggle on, the best I can
The cry of a wandering star

It's for my own sake, and that's all, and that's all there ever was
My tears fall, but they gave rise to lyrics in the end
I know you're the same way, you feel the same pain cutting through your chest
Though you tremble, I am with you, and I sing out
The song of the wandering stars

交差点の真ん中 急ぐ人に紛れて
僕だけがあてもなく 漂うみたいだ

流行りの歌はいつも 僕のことは歌ってない
ねえビジョンの中から 笑いかけないで

また今日も声にならずに 飲み込んだ感情
ああ そうやって何千回夜を越える

僕のため それだけ それだけだったんだよ
出口探し 溢(こぼ)れただけの言葉
君の心へ届いて 隙間をちょっと埋めるなら
こんな僕でも ここにいる 叫ぶよ

問われることは何故か 将来のことばかり
目の前にいる僕の 今はおざなりで

華やぎに馴染めない この心を無視して
輝かしい明日を 推奨しないでくれ

夜空にチカチカ光る 頼りない星屑
ああ 彷徨っているそれが僕

僕になる それしか それしかできないだろう
誰の真似も 上手くやれないんだ
こんな痛い日々をなんで 退屈だって片付ける?
よろめきながらでも もがいているんだよ

僕のため それだけ それだけだったんだよ
涙流し やっと生まれた言葉
どこかで同じように ヒリヒリする胸抱えて
震える君に 僕もいる 叫ぶよ

BN: nexusqi/luscent
Mercuria_M is in the lead! ()
Score871,094 (92.15%)
Max Combo250
300 / 100 / 50991 / 132 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)3
Katu (Beat!)1

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
871,094 92.15% Mercuria_M 250 991  /  132  /  0 3 1 24 None
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