Beatmap Listing » Katarzyna Bogusz, Ola Maciejewska, Przemyslaw Kleczkowski - Blogoslawieni Milosierni (Krysiek Remix)

Artist:Katarzyna Bogusz, Ola Maciejewska, Przemyslaw Kleczkowski Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Blogoslawieni Milosierni (Krysiek Remix) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:CptSqBany Accuracy:
Length:4:24 (3:40 drain)
Source:World Youth Day Genre:Novelty (Other) BPM:151
Tags:swiatowe dni mlodziezy papiez franciszek jan pawel polska krakow poland nebusc2 nebu janko _underjoy streeteelf User Rating:
72 1,970
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
6.1% (24870 of 407776 plays)
Aug 2, 2016
Apr 1, 2017
Rating Spread:
Favourited 1681 times in total
Users that love this map: Michiru-, MixAX20, Piotrekol, ratashi, -Maux-, whyterice, Neptune, Pyrka, koerky, Shiny Cupcake, Tenshichan, TechnoMaster, Deseption, Sniper Wolf, rekena92, Lasocki, zakipwnz, Arc7niA, MegaMagicPencil, Kosmit and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion
This map is in a LOVED state.
As such, it will not award any pp and leaderboards may be reset by the beatmap creator.

I'd probably unlove this map, since it doesn't show my current ability of mapping, but some people would be not be happy about that, so I'll leave it as it is

old description

(Don't update, or music will be shifted)

29.12.2016 - Slightly remapped, added NeBuSC2's diff
30.12.2016 - Fixed some things, added Insane diff
14.02.2017 - Fixed metadata, collecting stars for Loved. Wish me luck! <3
15.02.2017 - Changed background to fit the new Storyboard by me! (Credits to XinCrin for his awesome Spectrum Generator)
16.02.2017 - Halfway there! I love everybody who helped me with this project <3
19.02.2017 - Added Janko's 4K diff and _underjoy's 7K diff

"Thank you" list:

MEGADRAGONFLY is in the lead! ()
Score1,813,144 (99.01%)
Max Combo1355
300 / 100 / 501497 / 18 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)10
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
1,813,144 99.01% MEGADRAGONFLY 1355 1497  /  18  /  0 10 0 6 None
1,733,184 98.75% ankoro 821 1489  /  26  /  0 6 0 6 None
1,665,636 97.73% cpu_alpha 703 1463  /  47  /  0 0 0 11 None
1,658,922 95.99% Remi_hs 639 1414  /  92  /  0 1 0 15 None
1,233,602 90.66% shyrelul 311 1271  /  216  /  0 0 0 34 None
1,114,048 87.51% Torsohh 246 1202  /  258  /  0 1 0 61 None
1,104,748 88.66% The Law 345 1249  /  199  /  0 1 0 73 None
943,232 95.13% Cynanti 472 1406  /  82  /  0 0 0 33 EZ
887,220 95.00% JTargo 343 1413  /  64  /  0 1 0 44 EZ
758,014 90.07% AlexsStyles 230 1276  /  188  /  0 1 0 57 EZ
745,032 81.13% Wolfgang 229 1103  /  262  /  0 2 0 156 NF
716,674 83.79% SKRIS-MI 287 1140  /  269  /  0 7 1 112 EZ
633,192 78.24% 12309 157 988  /  404  /  0 3 0 129 EZ
536,248 73.11% fetet 184 918  /  388  /  0 0 0 215 NF
497,482 71.56% -Blady- 145 856  /  465  /  0 0 0 200 NF
472,486 68.01% H3OTCD 105 792  /  485  /  0 1 0 244 NF
458,222 75.35% Niepokonanastar 156 969  /  354  /  0 2 0 198 EZ,HT
403,726 67.92% orbit_sandwich 99 798  /  470  /  0 4 0 253 NF,EZ
360,476 56.34% sebastyan2908 99 590  /  534  /  0 0 1 397 NF
334,502 56.84% mepcx 56 593  /  543  /  0 0 0 385 NF,HT
320,258 53.78% MikoX_old_1 57 591  /  454  /  0 0 0 476 NF,HT
314,587 54.73% Zanett2008 40 587  /  491  /  0 5 0 443 NF,EZ,HT
309,550 52.93% possix 34 541  /  528  /  0 0 0 452 NF,EZ,HT
307,140 48.49% Eljajaso 55 511  /  453  /  0 0 0 557 NF
255,904 43.49% xDragoniastyy 16 411  /  501  /  0 0 0 609 NF
245,108 42.74% Ziemniaczek777 27 386  /  528  /  0 0 0 607 NF,EZ
235,338 40.43% Noternus 40 400  /  430  /  0 0 0 691 NF,EZ
145,340 28.11% quicoffeehot 11 275  /  305  /  0 0 0 941 NF
Beatmap comments are now available only on the new site.
Please go check them out!