Beatmap Listing » bill wurtz - the high class stuff

Artist:bill wurtz Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:the high class stuff HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Bonsai Accuracy:
Length:0:34 (0:32 drain)
Source: Genre:Other (English) BPM:127
Tags:youtube classical music sheets rhythm notes pop mozart paul mccartney weber sinnoh User Rating:
150 888
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
50.4% (29060 of 57687 plays)
Feb 9, 2017
Aug 21, 2017
Rating Spread:
Favourited 245 times in total
Users that love this map: LimeGreenTeknii, BOUYAAA, Shozonu, mangomizer, Axertje, Kyouren, Anglerge, Smokeman, ParkDanPung, dotexe12, MicroSugar, Zikhoath, Fenza, raimondo_old, Cikicikoy, FoxNaka, Trail Mix, Swell, Karuari, misskaiiu and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

this is what i do while denying your timing-request - nightcore recommended

gds by weber and sinnoh

if you wanna check the timing in relation to the sheets, here's the whole sheet in one image, the start of every measure has been bookmarked

a short story
this is a screenshot of what happened when the timing setup panel decided to give up on me after a few hours of timing this song. it has not been edited at all. i think i have an explanation for how these chats, distorted hitlers and cute smiley-faces made it into the screenshot even though they weren't visible on my monitor at that time, but i'd rather leave this uncommented. it's art, if you don't understand it then you're not high class enough.
funny numbers for personal use
00:02:271 (2) - 93
00:02:770 (3) - 99
00:05:365 (2) - 149
00:06:779 (1) - 454
00:16:437 (1) - 120
00:19:537 (1) - 205
00:23:365 (3) - 115
00:24:731 (1) - 77
00:25:709 (3) - 80.5
00:28:658 (1) - 107.5
00:29:507 (3) - 89
00:32:620 (3) - 139

00:02:271 (3) - 107
00:03:124 (5) - 60
00:04:428 (3) - 89
00:05:365 (3) - 97
00:06:779 (1) - 227
00:12:344 (2) - 95
00:16:437 (1) - 137
00:19:537 (2) - 234
00:23:365 (4) - 83
00:28:658 (2) - 122

00:17:967 (1) - 78

00:17:967 (5) - 167

ExGon is in the lead! ()
Score430,862 (100.00%)
Max Combo114
300 / 100 / 50111 / 3 / 97
Geki (Elite Beat!)18
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
430,862 100.00% ExGon 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,FL,PF
409,629 100.00% YERTI 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,DT,FL
409,629 100.00% A n t o t s u 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,NC,FL
409,619 99.53% Osjux 114 111  /  3  /  96 18 1 0 HD,DT,FL
409,599 98.58% sSolle 114 111  /  3  /  94 18 3 0 HD,DT,FL
388,388 100.00% noraRcat 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Jonis221 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Porter Robinson 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Nikolai 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Unlucky_w 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Terton 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Predominador 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% RAMPAGE88 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Hisashi Shimoro 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% chickennando 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Rumm 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,FL,PF
388,388 100.00% XisK 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% Rekkursion 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% Future_miku95 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Tsugumi 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Megpoid 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Reifos 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% -Hex- 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Zak 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% Avenged 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% rostld 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Abstract- 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Zuleta_ 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Daletto 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% Hasu- 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Chatie 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% E_Ain 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% I z u m i 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% Masaru 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Nana Tsubasa 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,SD
388,388 100.00% Molqus 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Emica 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Snoopy 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% [Aless50] 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% Zephirine 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Narnia 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Bomb 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% wordmaster 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,FL
388,388 100.00% NelsonJunior 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% [-E S I A-] 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,FL,SD
388,388 100.00% mjj741 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
388,388 100.00% Digitalfear117 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% Dask 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% --No--Name-- 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR,PF
388,388 100.00% sularis 114 111  /  3  /  97 18 0 0 HD,HR
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