Beatmap Listing » Mago de Oz - Xanandra

Artist:Mago de Oz Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Xanandra HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Xanandra Accuracy:
Length:4:20 (4:04 drain)
Source: Genre:Metal (Spanish) BPM:188.97
Tags:sieg -anhedonia- kazukisinx mancusojuanmattos mancuso_jm_ User Rating:
53 1,011
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
8.5% (45505 of 537637 plays)
Jan 18, 2013
Mar 2, 2014
Rating Spread:
Favourited 632 times in total
Users that love this map: rEdo, Cristian, eldnl, Lunarhiro, Sukano, Archaeologian, Deif, VelperK, Gotori, Luna, riffy, [Yue], randomizer89, TehWit, Prophet, Exploshun, josenoob, _Sylar, kenshin_yamato, linkx7 and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

As a bonus, here's the song in english version:

Feel free to replace the mp3 with the one contained in the map. Although for this one I think youll need to use +10 local offset

Big thanks to Verdisphena for helping with hitsounds!
And thanks to Sieg, mancuso and kazukisinx for their guest diffs!
And New Combos mods are more than welcome (Cause I suck at them)

So, since I think that I should do this, here's a list of every player that play tested this map and gave me their input, and since most of them have gave me some suggestions some way or another (I won't go into details about exactly who suggested/commented what cause there's too many, and in case that they didn't gave any suggestion, I could still see where they missed to readjust the design), so I guess some credits should go to them, and since the majority of them won't post in this thread, I guess this space is right.

Innocent Key
Ignacio (althought banned now)
Deus Ex
Innocent Steps
AND many more that I have forgotten! If you are one of these people that I forgot, don't hesitate to ask me to add you in this list!


Supuestamente, Xanandra era una mujer muy hermosa de hace mucho tiempo ya, tenía una sonrisa que podía alegrar a cualquiera, podía ver siempre lo mejor de cada uno, era amada por todos y era la prometida de un joven príncipe.

Un día, una vieja bruja invocó un hechizo sobre ella por envidia, y fue así que Xanandra empezó a ver cosas no estaban ahí, empezó a volverse loca, empezó a alejarse de todos sus seres queridos, hasta que finalmente se aisló de todo el mundo, ya que ella ya no soportaba seguir viendo las cosas que ella veía, y lentamente pero seguro, empezó a aceptar esta oscuridad que veía, y con el tiempo se volvió la bruja del bosque.

Pero esta historia realmente no se trata de Xanandra, pero sí sobre la oscuridad que empezó a consumir el joven príncipe que apenas vió a su querida alejarse de él, sin saber realmente el por qué, en su espera de que ella quizás retorne a él algún día.


Xanandra is supposed to be a very beautiful woman from long time ago, she had a smile that could charm anyone , she could always see the best of someone, she was loved by everyone and she was to be married to a young prince.

One day, and old witch casted a curse upon her out of envy, and so Xanandra started to see things that weren't there, she was starting to go mad, she was drifting away from all her loved ones, and so finally she isolated herself from everyone just because she couldn't bear to see the things she saw anymore, and all slowly but surely, she started to embrace the darkness she saw, and over time she became the witch of the forest.

This story isn't really about Xanandra though, but about the sadness that started to consume the young prince that just saw her go away from him, without really knowing why, in his wait that she might return to him one day.


Para aquellos curiosos, existe una segunda parte de esta historia en algun lugar en osu :D

To those curious, theres a second part to this story somewhere around osu! But its only in spanish though :D
Bikko is in the lead! ()
Score44,448,249 (99.62%)
Max Combo1574
300 / 100 / 501033 / 6 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)176
Katu (Beat!)5

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
44,448,249 99.62% Bikko 1574 1033  /  6  /  0 176 5 0 HD,HR
44,403,857 99.68% kirby mix 1573 1034  /  5  /  0 178 3 0 HD,HR
44,396,797 99.62% Danny Carey 1574 1033  /  6  /  0 176 5 0 HD,HR
44,349,282 99.41% Trail Mix 1574 1030  /  8  /  1 174 6 0 HD,HR
44,344,168 99.55% Spare 1574 1032  /  7  /  0 177 4 0 HD,HR
44,309,240 99.49% Gryzus24 1574 1031  /  8  /  0 176 5 0 HD,HR
44,283,458 99.36% Tsokoz 1574 1029  /  10  /  0 174 7 0 HD,HR
44,273,447 99.10% Viveliam 1574 1025  /  14  /  0 172 9 0 HD,HR
44,255,862 99.29% Wekkl 1574 1028  /  11  /  0 175 6 0 HD,HR
44,139,704 99.13% hallowatcher 1574 1026  /  11  /  2 170 9 0 HD,HR
44,138,029 99.29% -PloX 1574 1028  /  11  /  0 178 3 0 HD,HR
44,055,825 99.04% mxu 1574 1024  /  15  /  0 173 8 0 HD,HR
43,982,054 98.85% MrBooM 1574 1021  /  18  /  0 168 13 0 HD,HR
43,963,153 98.85% boleks 1574 1021  /  18  /  0 169 12 0 HD,HR
43,952,526 99.26% Varvalian 1570 1028  /  10  /  0 173 7 1 HD,HR
43,947,144 98.59% Recia 1574 1017  /  22  /  0 169 12 0 HD,HR
43,757,220 98.14% Wilchq 1574 1010  /  29  /  0 159 22 0 HD,HR
43,678,861 98.20% WubWoofWolf 1574 1011  /  28  /  0 162 19 0 HD,HR
43,651,099 98.20% Jordan The Bear 1574 1011  /  28  /  0 164 17 0 HD,HR
43,553,949 98.43% AmericanPenguin 1570 1015  /  23  /  0 167 13 1 HD,HR
43,545,454 98.25% VROUM CV VITE 1574 1012  /  26  /  1 165 15 0 HD,HR
43,427,119 99.07% theez 1562 1025  /  13  /  0 171 9 1 HD,HR
43,376,431 97.95% Tikef 1574 1007  /  32  /  0 166 15 0 HD,HR
43,346,377 97.82% Dsan 1574 1005  /  34  /  0 168 13 0 HD,HR
43,144,134 97.37% Naylicia 1574 998  /  41  /  0 163 18 0 HD,HR
43,047,136 97.08% stacker 1574 994  /  43  /  2 152 27 0 HD,HR
42,915,582 96.63% _Degenerate 1574 987  /  50  /  2 163 16 0 HD,HR
42,815,013 96.79% SadnessWillSear 1573 989  /  50  /  0 153 28 0 HD,HR
42,258,040 94.69% L4plus1 1574 957  /  79  /  3 136 42 0 HD,HR
42,240,759 96.13% ---- 1573 981  /  49  /  9 164 15 0 HD,HR
42,123,225 100.00% scylla 1574 1039  /  0  /  0 181 0 0 HD
42,081,955 99.81% Toy 1574 1036  /  3  /  0 178 3 0 HD
42,068,086 98.52% Zyphox 1531 1017  /  20  /  0 169 10 2 HD,HR
42,063,738 99.87% Mismagius 1574 1037  /  2  /  0 179 2 0 HD
42,059,413 95.49% Sigmund Fraud 1572 969  /  69  /  1 153 27 0 HD,HR
42,058,315 99.81% Bread_Instead 1574 1036  /  3  /  0 179 2 0 HD
42,045,773 99.87% shineroo 1574 1037  /  2  /  0 179 2 0 HD
42,045,182 99.87% Minecraft570 1574 1037  /  2  /  0 179 2 0 HD
42,021,779 99.87% fabriciorby 1574 1037  /  2  /  0 179 2 0 HD
42,006,656 99.74% Corim 1574 1035  /  4  /  0 178 3 0 HR
41,958,734 99.62% Coreanmaluco 1574 1033  /  6  /  0 176 5 0 HD
41,958,306 99.42% Koba 1574 1030  /  9  /  0 174 7 0 HR
41,955,166 99.74% Spork Lover 1574 1035  /  4  /  0 178 3 0 HD
41,945,789 99.73% toybot 1574 1035  /  3  /  1 180 0 0 HD
41,938,513 99.55% makux 1573 1032  /  7  /  0 177 4 0 HD
41,888,219 99.55% MBmasher 1574 1032  /  7  /  0 176 5 0 HD
41,886,798 99.49% RyuK 1574 1031  /  8  /  0 177 4 0 HR
41,873,044 99.58% Spyrosh 1574 1033  /  4  /  2 178 2 0 HD
41,809,754 99.36% SapphireGhost 1574 1029  /  10  /  0 175 6 0 HD,SD
41,808,419 99.29% Haenes 1574 1028  /  11  /  0 173 8 0 HR
Beatmap comments are now available only on the new site.
Please go check them out!