Beatmap Listing » NF - The search

Artist:NF Key Amount:
Approach Rate:
Title:The search HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:F3rnConUnTres Accuracy:
Length:3:51 (3:14 drain)
Source:NF Genre:Other (English) BPM:120.4
Tags:nf thesearch the search User Rating:
0 0
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
3.9% (16 of 406 plays)
Jul 15, 2021
Apr 3, 2022
Rating Spread:
Favourited 23 times in total
Users that love this map: Volantem, BiimCool, yCsMessias, Yato_ky, Crialdyand992, Michelle2414, Yuuki355, Hoodh474, J0ck3r, EtZZforMic_old, davidf0711, Nikiskyyy, Dantextreme, REYA_NF, Senelis, keljaz08, pandazen18s, LiaNemesis144, kieras, arielhamed and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion


Update 1:

Two new difficult added
no more.

Final Update:

bro wtf added (it doesn't have a good chart, it's only hardest)
Beatmap comments are now available only on the new site.
Please go check them out!