Beatmap Listing » Original Love - WALL FLOWER

Artist:Original Love Circle Size:
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Creator:Dialect Accuracy:
Length:5:43 (5:35 drain)
Source: Genre:Jazz (Japanese) BPM:120
Tags:toct-8037 jpop j-pop 90s eyes takao tajima 田島貴男 flowerwall wallflower オリジナル・ラブ eye album pop japanese jazz marathon User Rating:
1 11
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(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
7.8% (446 of 5698 plays)
Jan 25, 2023
Aug 21, 2023
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Favourited 49 times in total
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Options:Modding / Discussion

started January 7 2023, finished April 9 2023

released in 1993

rosario/melle (thx for timing)

English teacher mode
according to Wikipedia, a Wallflower is "someone with an introverted personality type..who will attend parties and social gatherings, but will usually distance themselves from the crowd.."

you know, butterflies are kind of like that too when you think about it. they form through their own metamorphosis, turning into what they are now from a catapillar; butterflies live receiving nectar from plants, and they live a peaceful life, despite being prey for many other animals that like to eat butterflies.

this mapset of WALL FLOWER conceptualizes that. i won't get much into specifics here, mainly because i want you as the player, to understand its concepts, but WALL FLOWER is a map themed after, well, the butterfly! (otherwise known as danaus plexippus). from its flow to the slidershapes to the buildup to an intense kiai, WALL FLOWER is one of the best maps i've ever mapped in my 5 years of mapping so far. coming off of Original Love's 1993 album "EYES", Takao Tajima curates a song about being a wallflower; heres an excerpt of lyrics:


in English, this translates roughly to:

"from the gaps of those people dancing
i let my hollow eyes peek toward them
[but] no one will notice me
oh lovely WALL FLOWERS"

that, and the repetition of the word "WALL FLOWER LIVES" make it a personal experience for many wallflowers. i, myself, may not be a wallflower, but i can relate to not being able to be noticed by people; blending in the crowd simply sucks.

butterflies blend in so well too, yet they're so visible when you think of how well known they are in the animal kingdom. it feels oddly weird to me, you know? this song takes the form of a butterfly, and so does my own rendition of it in osu! beatmap form.

ChatGPT did have this to say about the lyrics though:

"The provided text appears to be a poem or song lyrics in a mixture of English and Japanese. While it does not explicitly mention butterflies, we can try to analyze its themes and imagery to explore any potential connections to butterflies. Here's a breakdown of the text:

The repeated phrase "Wall Flower" suggests a focus on a shy or introverted character, someone who tends to blend into the background like a wallflower at a social gathering. This person seems to be unnoticed and unappreciated by others. The phrase "lovely wallflower" implies a sense of endearment toward this individual.

There are mentions of empty or hollow eyes and a sad smile, evoking a sense of melancholy or hidden pain. The juxtaposition of the wallflower's presence among bustling crowds and the indifference of people passing by further highlights their isolation.

The recurring theme of flowers, blooming, and petals falling suggests a fleeting beauty or transience. This could be seen as a metaphor for the fragility and short-lived nature of life or emotions. The mention of a "horribly empty Monday morning" creates a sense of emptiness and monotony.

While there isn't a direct connection to butterflies in the text, we can draw some thematic similarities. Butterflies often symbolize transformation, beauty, and fragility. They go through a metamorphosis, transitioning from caterpillars to colorful creatures capable of flight. In this poem, the wallflower may represent a person undergoing a transformation or longing for change, much like a caterpillar seeking to become a butterfly.

The reference to flowers and their petals falling can also be associated with the ephemeral nature of butterflies. Both butterflies and flowers have a sense of delicate beauty that can be appreciated but doesn't last forever. The fleeting nature of the butterfly's presence and the transient emotions portrayed in the poem align with the theme of impermanence.

While the connection to butterflies in the text may not be direct, we can interpret certain themes and symbols as resonating with butterfly symbolism, highlighting ideas of transformation, beauty, and transience."
MSYP is in the lead! ()
Score768,196 (99.66%)
Max Combo3171
MAX / 300 / 2001809 / 394 / 14
100 / 50 / Misses0 / 1 / 2

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax ComboMAX30020010050MissMods
768,196 99.66% MSYP 3171 1809 394 14 0 1 2 4K Report
756,678 98.81% JumuJ 3641 1432 710 77 1 0 0 4K Report
750,019 98.74% - Wolfie - 2740 1591 552 72 3 0 2 4K Report
739,553 98.40% Ju4mpizel 1588 1494 637 78 4 1 6 4K Report
712,595 97.92% KuNaKina 1442 1390 711 108 2 1 8 HD,4K Report
703,121 97.32% zundamon 1704 1442 630 125 13 5 5 4K Report
343,804 79.07% tranduyten 402 664 571 626 301 16 42 4K Report
330,687 77.54% Ser31n 377 513 675 677 226 40 89 4K Report
304,614 72.12% Kiryulover100 186 509 543 644 321 76 127 4K Report
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