Beatmap Listing » Hellogoodbye - Shimmy Shimmy Quarter Turn

Artist:Hellogoodbye Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Shimmy Shimmy Quarter Turn HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Seibei4211 Accuracy:
Length:3:02 (2:39 drain)
Source: Genre:Pop (English) BPM:130
Tags: Collaboration Collab m980 Rolled User Rating:
16 349
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
24.7% (2408 of 9741 plays)
Oct 16, 2008
Feb 23, 2009
Rating Spread:
Favourited 16 times in total
Users that love this map: Starrodkirby86, brainfree[z], vvoland, KiwiBasket, 9threvolver, Pyramid, Ceneri, Keldra, Karkate, wiuuuh, KierownikCzolgu, pepeepopoo, turbo_igor_777, Anniechka, StollenTheAngel, yahtzeee
Options:Modding / Discussion

Here you go, Rolled. Easiest timing I've ever done. This map has generally the same custom colors as my other Hellogoodbye map. Same difficulty settings, too. The difference, however, is quite large. This map is sure to piss some people off. :D (Mostly with the hit sounds. Sorry.) Without counting the offset, the total number of timing sections in this map comes to...54. (Or something. I'm not recounting.) Interesting? I think so. (Invaders Must Die has more. A lot more.)

So this map is HECKA OLD, YO. From October. Back when I was crazy about Distance Snap and stuff like that... So if you liked my old style, enjoy this. If you don't, then at least you won't get too many more of these, if any.

Edit: Rolled had me take out the (Take It Back To Square One) part of the song name.
Edit 2: Timing feels weird in one part, but I checked it so many times and I'm convinced my timing's right. It's only a few notes that were off. Guess Forrest got a little ahead of himself or something. Retro-edit: Yeah, I was wrong. Rolled's offset fixed this up.
Edit 3: WHOOPS! Those timing tweaks screwed up the intro something fierce.
Edit 4: Fixed some syncing issues. Retro-edit: Oh, and I used Rolled's +10 offset.
Edit 5: Take 3 of the Awesome Section and THIS IS THE ONE!
Edit 6: Changed a few circles into a couple of sliders. Couple other random things.
Edit 7: HUGE overhaul in the Awesome Section. If you go into editor and see a red rectangle on the timeline, I will relieve your mind by saying that's not a weird glitch. It's 31 timing sections for an overdone hit sound experiment that went horribly right. :]
Edit 8: Hard is DONE! I came across another timing problem that I took care of unless a mod (i.e. Rolled) thinks otherwise.
Edit 9: Normal WIP. It's almost done, so I wanna make sure I have a backup on here.
Edit 10: Normal's finally mapped, but needs hit sounds.
Edit 11: Fixed Hard's hit sounds.
Edit 12: Added Rolled's difficulty and added about half of Normal's hit sounds with some minor Hard hit sound changes.
Edit 13: Hit sounds are finally done, maps are finally done, everything is done. Finally ready for modding and stuff. If you can figure out some better timing for me, you get a cookie (or something of equal value)
Edit 14: I updated Hard with some custom timing of mine and I think it sounds pretty good. Timing section bandages, but whatever, it works. If you think so, too, I'll put that timing on the other difficulties.
Edit 15: So I just did Cyclone's thing there with the breaks and spinners and Rolled took out the weird BPMs in his difficulty. He didn't do spinners/breaks like me, though, so he's got some timing sections to sync with the vocals for his, but mine doesn't really need that because of the aforementioned *inhales* breaks and spinners.
Edit 16: Added m980's Easy. He didn't want to put hit sounds in, so sorry for my shitty sounds. :[ This song is hard for me to give hit sounds to...
Hori_159 is in the lead! ()
Score807,186 (100.00%)
Max Combo538
300 / 100 / 50538 / 0 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)18
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
807,186 100.00% Hori_159 538 538  /  0  /  0 18 0 0 NC
797,366 98.98% Renka 538 527  /  11  /  0 21 0 0 DT
772,578 98.88% AnFace 538 526  /  12  /  0 0 0 0 HR
766,476 98.33% Shyguy 538 520  /  18  /  0 127 6 0 HR
754,020 100.00% kevin3333g 538 538  /  0  /  0 145 0 0 None
754,020 100.00% Conor 538 538  /  0  /  0 30 0 0 None
752,920 99.81% Herschel 538 536  /  2  /  0 0 0 0 SD
751,630 99.54% UngMan 538 533  /  5  /  0 0 0 0 None
751,550 99.63% DEVILarys 538 534  /  4  /  0 3 0 0 None
750,230 99.26% iketa 538 530  /  8  /  0 0 0 0 None
749,070 99.26% da4tw 538 530  /  8  /  0 115 0 0 None
742,340 98.79% Hidekisan30 538 525  /  13  /  0 0 0 0 SD
742,188 95.17% KDS 538 486  /  52  /  0 0 0 0 HR
736,610 97.68% wmfchris 538 513  /  25  /  0 0 0 0 None
735,370 96.93% virus73 538 505  /  33  /  0 0 0 0 None
733,800 98.42% Rokodo 538 521  /  17  /  0 0 0 0 None
733,800 97.21% omegaflo 538 508  /  30  /  0 0 0 0 None
730,370 98.51% Dusalty 538 522  /  16  /  0 43 1 0 None
726,420 97.40% bxczyb 538 510  /  28  /  0 0 0 0 None
719,120 96.28% AyuAqua 538 498  /  40  /  0 0 0 0 None
715,860 95.07% Trashy 538 485  /  53  /  0 0 0 0 None
710,840 96.65% NanaChanAkane 538 502  /  36  /  0 0 0 0 SD
708,550 95.26% Guylan54 538 487  /  51  /  0 0 0 0 None
684,730 95.63% Yavistw 538 491  /  47  /  0 0 0 0 None
655,520 93.49% Hydragoon 311 469  /  68  /  0 0 0 1 None
653,480 94.80% Pyramid 386 483  /  54  /  0 70 7 1 None
629,770 93.68% copenbox 434 473  /  62  /  0 0 0 3 None
625,080 95.26% codelock 346 495  /  35  /  0 0 0 8 None
598,210 96.19% Yahuri 538 497  /  41  /  0 20 1 0 None
592,290 97.86% mihimadhan 538 515  /  23  /  0 0 0 0 None
582,480 97.21% xsm 538 508  /  30  /  0 0 0 0 None
565,740 93.31% Numbers 596108 519 467  /  70  /  0 0 0 1 None
552,430 94.33% Advokat9881 538 477  /  61  /  0 0 0 0 None
548,500 92.57% Spudman 538 458  /  80  /  0 0 0 0 None
513,380 89.96% MK [ultra] 383 431  /  106  /  0 0 0 1 None
509,830 93.40% littleromance_old 386 469  /  67  /  0 0 0 2 None
475,210 93.03% Dryst 227 469  /  63  /  0 0 0 6 None
431,500 89.78% [M]odulation 311 437  /  92  /  0 0 0 9 None
409,230 78.35% Kaprece 194 337  /  169  /  0 0 0 32 None
378,280 84.94% unhelping 207 390  /  134  /  0 0 0 14 None
369,960 91.64% mixunio66 183 460  /  66  /  0 0 0 12 None
363,470 88.57% ayayak_old 136 431  /  91  /  0 0 0 16 None
361,230 83.92% Nanomite_old 198 388  /  127  /  0 0 0 23 None
321,310 79.83% Jordy 227 372  /  115  /  0 0 0 51 None
304,020 81.97% Beat 207 365  /  152  /  0 0 0 21 None
294,010 83.36% Guzma 122 382  /  133  /  0 0 0 23 None
280,310 79.00% kerrykool 90 347  /  156  /  0 58 24 35 None
256,420 79.37% Sengieee 123 357  /  140  /  0 0 0 41 None
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