Beatmap Listing » storyteller(cosMo x GAiA) feat. IA, Kagamine Rin - Anti the EuphoriaHOLiC

Artist:storyteller(cosMo x GAiA) feat. IA, Kagamine Rin Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Anti the EuphoriaHOLiC HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:SaltyLucario Accuracy:
Length:4:10 (4:09 drain)
Source:星ノ少女ト幻奏楽土 Genre:Other (Japanese) BPM:180
Tags:saltking salty euphoria holic -aria on the planetes- gakupo kamui gackpo camui 神威がくぽ rho lambda ρ λ stella vocaloid piano User Rating:
27 727
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
3.1% (3908 of 126748 plays)
Dec 16, 2016
Jan 7, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 877 times in total
Users that love this map: YayaBunWa, Gness, yqt, tse6969, gusrua123, WhiteSha, ConieSan, droII, Kentucky312, OYJey, 3522, fena, Gyuki, Enrix, natetheneet, Lovely_Bunny_, KenWACKS, SMSHKR, White W0lf, bemp and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion


Red combo color means 1/3 and 1/6 in all diffs
(except for Cheri's diff, stay on your toes!)


Hard: me
Insane: DTM9 Nowa
Expert: Cheri
Extreme: me
Exhilaration: me and DTM9 Nowa
Palpable Displeasure: TheKingHenry

Hitsounds: me
Banner: Hantrik
Special thanks to:
NHarmonia for being gay while not being one
Iquitosubye for cool collab diffname

This was actually one of the first mapping projects I took seriously (like upload date says, it was way back in 2016). Decided to remap it 2 years later, and well, guess I'm ranking it after another 2 years (with some minor remaps since then because I once again improved a lot since then)

Artist links

Official site
Nico Nico
Background by syuri22 (it's official artwork for both song & novel)

Fun facts galore

Hailie made a GD for the first version of this map (which I rejected, while it was way better than my diff lol), and TheKingHenry huuuugely helped me with it back then, so kinda funny they're on the set now 3 years later LUL

Adding to that above, if not Henry's diff this would be ranked like over a year ago (because he would be a BN of course, and because of it the set got finished just a bit after Noffy closed requests, so had to wait for reopening too)

This is also both first uploaded Henry's GD and first non-metal map!

Ryuusei Aika actually managed to resign and reapply for BN since he modded, and then got kicked right before recheck

My extra diff was actually mapped 3 months before my first ranked map, aka in December 2018 (remap of the map that became my first ranked was 1 month later)

There was supposed to also be a 5,3* extra but mapper's disc completely died when he was at 80% so I never got to see it or had a chance to add it

Some memorable BN quotes about this set

(about my diff)

(about Henry's diff)

thonk moment

thonk moment x2

Henry's quotes about this set







Thundur is in the lead! ()
Score124,309,865 (98.85%)
Max Combo2204
300 / 100 / 501754 / 25 / 1
Geki (Elite Beat!)400
Katu (Beat!)14

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
124,309,865 98.85% Thundur 2204 1754  /  25  /  1 400 14 3 HD
123,874,880 99.60% maliszewski 2195 1773  /  8  /  1 412 3 1 HD
118,762,240 99.33% [Karcher] 2216 1765  /  18  /  0 403 13 0 None
118,229,490 99.21% BTMC 2213 1762  /  21  /  0 403 13 0 None
116,500,120 98.06% mrekk 2214 1731  /  52  /  0 383 33 0 None
116,405,520 99.02% Sh4rq_ 2196 1758  /  22  /  1 398 15 2 None
115,089,780 98.55% NathanRam1918 2189 1746  /  32  /  3 394 20 2 None
113,215,625 98.24% his kitten 2103 1738  /  38  /  6 396 17 1 HD
108,235,080 97.77% himejoshi 2131 1725  /  52  /  5 378 37 1 None
105,820,190 97.20% P r a h 2107 1711  /  63  /  6 375 39 3 None
98,015,620 98.72% zubs 2010 1751  /  27  /  1 397 16 4 None
97,211,700 98.46% fieryrage 2001 1744  /  34  /  1 394 17 4 None
96,090,280 98.28% KonKonKinakoN 1991 1739  /  40  /  0 385 29 4 None
89,420,710 97.78% suntanCTM 1928 1728  /  45  /  3 383 28 7 None
87,316,780 98.40% _Shield 1897 1743  /  32  /  5 395 18 3 None
84,601,450 98.97% criller 1842 1756  /  26  /  0 400 15 1 None
78,315,234 98.36% Gabey 1721 1741  /  38  /  1 387 25 3 HD
76,757,960 97.10% HAFTBEFEHL 1767 1709  /  67  /  0 370 41 7 None
75,577,300 98.43% Sabakan- 1707 1743  /  33  /  6 397 18 1 None
74,009,700 97.39% DEETO 1657 1718  /  54  /  3 383 29 8 HD
73,941,551 97.29% i love uma 1624 1714  /  60  /  4 392 21 5 HD
72,356,775 98.22% gIoom 1623 1739  /  35  /  4 390 22 5 HD
71,590,330 99.02% mcy4 1620 1758  /  20  /  5 401 14 0 None
71,392,540 98.80% Hera_ 1622 1751  /  32  /  0 393 23 0 None
70,427,140 97.90% GAO HAO 1698 1732  /  38  /  5 385 22 8 None
70,247,460 98.11% Viveliam 1672 1736  /  37  /  6 392 20 4 None
70,215,981 99.57% Trail Mix 1590 1772  /  10  /  0 408 7 1 HD
69,862,040 98.50% PaintedKoaIa 1661 1746  /  28  /  6 394 18 3 None
69,408,880 99.12% WhiteCat 1625 1761  /  19  /  0 402 12 3 None
69,235,770 97.68% Hellotomlol225 1588 1722  /  57  /  4 379 36 0 None
68,460,190 97.80% DazzLE_Wind 1623 1727  /  50  /  1 380 34 5 None
67,698,900 97.13% Grantorio 1657 1713  /  53  /  7 375 33 10 None
67,166,560 98.67% [Crz]Makii 1624 1751  /  24  /  2 401 13 6 None
67,047,350 97.89% Jyuifty 1578 1729  /  47  /  4 386 27 3 None
66,650,090 97.80% Chibi Maruko 1586 1727  /  50  /  1 378 34 5 None
66,564,960 97.89% calangi 1624 1733  /  34  /  6 386 23 10 None
66,097,850 97.97% Fumatsu 1623 1734  /  36  /  5 385 26 8 None
65,756,170 98.15% marcel7 1621 1737  /  36  /  6 387 25 4 None
65,488,350 97.16% Andros 1623 1715  /  51  /  2 376 33 15 None
64,823,292 98.77% Woey 1535 1752  /  27  /  0 401 13 4 HD
64,210,630 97.41% sharytory 1590 1722  /  43  /  3 383 25 15 None
60,409,150 93.87% -Graigory- 1585 1633  /  114  /  16 329 67 20 None
58,394,190 96.53% Arge 1535 1703  /  53  /  3 377 26 24 None
57,970,520 97.35% cat burger 1444 1719  /  47  /  6 387 24 11 None
57,740,810 98.04% tekkito 1437 1733  /  45  /  0 395 18 5 HD
57,455,270 98.11% Mitchi 1421 1736  /  36  /  8 391 21 3 None
56,656,980 97.86% Enjouji 1417 1730  /  41  /  7 381 30 5 None
55,784,470 98.33% Mizeree 1163 1741  /  35  /  3 393 19 4 None
55,331,020 96.61% badeu 1332 1695  /  80  /  5 367 44 3 None
54,565,610 97.51% razorfruit 1445 1723  /  45  /  4 382 29 11 None
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