Beatmap Listing » Araragi Tsukihi (CV: Iguchi Yuka) - Platinum Disco (TV Size)

Artist:Araragi Tsukihi (CV: Iguchi Yuka) Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Platinum Disco (TV Size) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Yohananas Accuracy:
Length:1:27 (1:27 drain)
Source:偽物語 Genre:Anime (Japanese) BPM:117
Tags:theme songs compilation album jp jpop pop satoru kosaki meg rock utamonogatari monogatari series nisemonogatari platinum op japanese j-pop karen User Rating:
11 158
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
40.8% (9776 of 23968 plays)
Jun 24, 2022
Jan 8, 2023
Rating Spread:
Favourited 153 times in total
Users that love this map: agtusia, isephy, utaware-ikka, Infographics, Nesil, akitersaki, BearMihael, Seribac, AR_3318, WatchMeSuffer, keisukei, Brokura, Blutig, Kou King, fred22e, chenatf, Miguel698, LitePlayz, Elchman, IZaquize and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

Platinum Disco

Thank you to everyone who helped me ♥

- [profile=8200707:1337]-Rei[/profile:1337] and [profile=2841009:1337]Mirash[/profile:1337] for nominations
- [profile=16640021:1337]Pisapou[/profile:1337] for the banner
- everyone who hyped and everyone who modded

an inspiration from the set of [profile=11655886:1337]Basensorex[/profile:1337]

bg made by VOFAN

Are you Platinum Mad ?
ttota is in the lead! ()
Score572,061 (99.12%)
Max Combo456
300 / 100 / 50448 / 8 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)15
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
572,061 99.12% ttota 456 448  /  8  /  0 15 0 0 NC,SD
569,446 98.68% Remi_hs 456 444  /  12  /  0 2 0 0 DT
554,544 100.00% Saikoro 456 456  /  0  /  0 8 0 0 HR
554,544 100.00% RAI_4 456 456  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HR
551,124 99.34% ____ReFFeN____ 456 450  /  6  /  0 0 0 0 HR
535,000 100.00% Deli 456 456  /  0  /  0 4 0 0 None
535,000 100.00% uyu3 456 456  /  0  /  0 4 0 0 None
531,880 99.23% BluePlusSymbol 456 449  /  7  /  0 7 0 0 None
472,550 94.52% qeeerty 440 413  /  36  /  0 0 0 7 None
365,228 94.30% Evil M14 141 417  /  26  /  0 5 0 13 None
326,660 100.00% 9CB 456 456  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 EZ
309,660 90.24% Chile24208 180 386  /  51  /  0 0 0 19 None
287,014 92.98% beyonse 124 414  /  20  /  0 1 0 22 None
265,158 86.95% PATOGAMERX 161 350  /  93  /  0 1 0 13 None
264,746 80.92% focy 120 311  /  116  /  0 0 0 29 None
200,958 74.23% Yurnet 136 275  /  127  /  0 0 0 54 None
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