Beatmap Listing » M2U - Lunatic Sky

Artist:M2U Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Lunatic Sky HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:buhei Accuracy:
Length:2:04 (2:04 drain)
Source:Rhythm Master Genre:Video Game (Instrumental) BPM:160
Tags:节奏大师 him3con [rasis] dream117er iamkwan regraz hakurei yoru -kevincela- [mahua] minakami yuki fanzhen0019 User Rating:
74 1,184
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
4.9% (4616 of 93839 plays)
Mar 20, 2016
May 28, 2016
Rating Spread:
Favourited 357 times in total
Users that love this map: Akareh, YayaBunWa, itsMapleLeaf, CuNha, cacipan, Mercurius, Gamu, noodlie, Ganon39, Black Lynx, [KOR]Kosaki, Kyangel, buhei, Kitami Erika, f0rgive, Alevari, Finshie, XionSteel, Rlsc, pkoa and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

  1. Easy - DreaM117er
  2. Normal - IamKwaN
  3. Advanced - Regraz
  4. Hyper - Him3con
  5. Insane - Hakurei Yoru
  6. Expert - [rasis]
  7. Expert - fanzhen0019
  8. Extra - -kevincela-
  9. Extra - [Mahua]
  10. Extreme - Minakami Yuki
  11. LUNATIC - me
shoucan91 is in the lead! ()
Score1,096,196 (96.78%)
Max Combo629
300 / 100 / 50822 / 40 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)33
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
1,096,196 96.78% shoucan91 629 822  /  40  /  0 33 0 8 None
1,037,730 93.39% sakurabi 748 763  /  99  /  0 13 1 8 None
989,607 94.20% bottikun24 748 773  /  93  /  0 0 0 4 None
986,370 91.38% woam99 659 738  /  114  /  0 55 8 18 None
891,477 92.47% Das 464 767  /  75  /  0 12 0 28 None
865,094 96.49% Genjuro 342 819  /  41  /  0 9 2 10 None
794,540 90.46% Petit 331 718  /  138  /  0 3 1 14 None
787,882 87.01% Lamery 454 666  /  182  /  0 26 1 22 None
730,126 89.48% Rhythmgatr 305 723  /  111  /  0 4 1 36 None
653,159 86.84% [Lunatic Elf] 183 677  /  157  /  0 72 16 36 None
633,398 95.00% solros1101 454 804  /  45  /  0 37 1 21 EZ
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