User avatar
Netherlands, Noord-Brabant
Game Designer

Hello fellow gamers

My name is Ido or you can just call me Golem!

Things I did :3


Slay the Princess Collab

Past Collabs




5WC NL Team B

Credits to the artist: @yoginnnnnn

Duo parents Collab

PNK 2022 Noord-Brabant B Collab
PNK 2021 Noord-Brabant B Collab



- Highest rank total: #7.598
- Highest total in NL: #89

- First 100pp play (07-06-2020): MIIRO
- First 200pp play (01-11-2020): Miniministop - yes I know, leave me alone
- First 300pp play (21-11-2020): Sore wa Chiisana
- First 400pp play (15-12-2022): DROPOUT!?

- Top 50.000 Global: Idk somewhere begin 2021
- Top 40.000 Global: (30-06-2021)
- Top 30.000 Global: (01-02-2022)
- Top 20.000 Global: (04-03-2022)
- 4 digit: Never!... wait noooo!! (01-03-2023)

- Top 300NL (24-02-2022)
- Top 200NL (19-05-2022)
- Top 100NL (01-05-2023)

- Total pp: 6000 (24-02-2022)
- Total pp: 7000 (28-06-2022)
- Total pp: 8000 (12-04-2023)

Don't ask me what happened at 24-02-2022

The true 5 digit experience


- I want to perform better in tournaments
- Someone teach me hidden please
- Speed would be appreciated as well
- I want to get better at alt/flow
- I want to get more cool scores on gimmicky maps in general
- I want all the farm maps out of my most played maps ):
- FC BugaBugaChewChew
- FC Blackest Luxury Car but how about HR?
- FC Signals
- FC Sakura Mirage
- FC Pull the trigger with HR
- FC Shoujo Satori ~ Innumerable Eyes with HR
Badge soon??? pls


PNK2021 - Provinciaal Nederbelgisch Kampioenschap - 3v3(7) - Open Rank
Noord-Brabant B - Raiziken(C) Sharonic OMGPopx Tobbertje epixgamer
Placement: Ro16


NDC - National Dutch Championship - 1v1 - Open Rank
Placement: Ro32

5WC - 5 Digit WorldCup - 4v4(8) - 99k-10k
Netherlands B - Beertje(C) Hytix Kayonar Raiziken Finny666 Lamp77 Devrimon
Placement: DNQ

NBB - Nederlandse Baby Bracket - 1v1 - OpenRank
Placement: Quarter Finals

FC - Femboy Cup - 2v2(4) - 99k-10k
Lydia's Shrimps - Cittasnaf(C) Kut x3Lydiia
Placement: Ro16

DCME - Duck Cup: Mallard Edition - 2v2(3) - ∞-7.5k
Two and a half Melvins - Kut(C) GooseKing
Placement: Ro32

PNK2022 - Provinciaal Nederbelgisch Kampioenschap
Noord-Brabant B - Beertje(C) Ecksedee Jilles Kyqn Pamuwu Raiziken
Placement: Ro16

MEME - Most Epic Mayhem Ever - 2v2(3) - ∞-7.5k
Team Isnide - Mr Helix(C) x3Lydiia
Placement: Quarter Finals

SCSFFA - Sukiye and CmeFly's [Late] Skillcheck FFA - 1v1 - Private Tourney
Placement: Yeah this is not gonna happen anymore

SFC - Suicune's Fall Classic - 4v4(8) - ∞-5k
China Males - Malvon(C) ZoonT SecretlyShiro GooseKing Oob Sroj SuchMisfortune
Placement: Quarter Finals

QC3 - Quarterly Cup 3 - 4v4(6) - ∞-5k
:banlydia: - Me(C) Ecksedee x3Lydiia Mr Helix GooseKing [BH]Lithium
Placement: DNQ

BRNGF - Bipen's RNG Fest - 2v2(4) - 99k-10k
Oob dropped rice incident - Fluxey(C) oob hrds
Placement: Ro16

MC - Mega Cup - 4v4(7) - ∞-5k
:eatkok: - Lunepie(C) Kager Eliteronix Ecksedee Kut Fluxey
Placement: DNQ


NDC - National Dutch Championship - 1v1 - Open Rank
Placement: QuarterFinals

5WC - 5 Digit WorldCup - 4v4(8) - 99k-10k
Netherlands - UC1(oob) UC2(UC2) UC3(Seleen) UC4(Ecksedee) UC5(Cheesyeet) UC7(Nibl) UC8(Just Lucan)
Placement: 3rd

DCS1 - Dynasty cup season 1 - 4v4(8) - 99k-10k
h*dden - Eliteronix(C) Ecksedee Cittasnaf Lunepie Filtrator Baiterzz aalexsu
Placement: Semi Finals

DnB - Drum'n Bass enjoyers - 2v2(4) - 99k-10k
Get in the van 2.0 - Devrimon(C) Ecksedee Nibl
Placement: Semi Finals

BDT - Benelux Draft Tourney - 4v4(8) - open rank
pipebomb, double it? - wessel_osu2(C) Mornis Emfaroz GooseKing Cant Even FC Wittepoes FADED THAN A HO
Placement: Semi Finals

DAHT4 - Donut as hitcircle tournament 4 - 4v4(8) - 30k-8k
Shiro didn't derank in time - Me(C) x3Lydiia Cittasnaf SecretlyShiro Kut Kayonar Arhythmix oob
Placement: GS2

FC2 - Femboy Cup 2 - 2v2(4) - 50k-5k
Cult of the Shrimps - Me(C) x3Lydiia SecretlyShiro Sofuraabu
Placement: 2nd



- Keypad: Wooting Uwu
- Tablet: Wacom CTL-472
- Monitor: ASUS VG32V 144hz
- GPU: Radeon RX 6800
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core
- Motherboard: Gigabyte X570
Tablet area

Thx for a year supporter Lydia you're too sweet <3
Feel free to DM me for mutual ;D
General Top Ranks Historical Beatmaps Achievements
Performance: 8,835pp (#9,935) #111

30 days agoDays90 days agonow#5000#10000Rank#10000#5000Performance Rank
Recent Activity
UnveiledGolem achieved rank #667 on An - Catanoph [Lavender's Extra] (osu!)
UnveiledGolem achieved rank #229 on An - Catanoph [Miura's Extra] (osu!)
Detailed Stats
Ranked Score: 32,048,738,101

Hit Accuracy: 99.02%

Play Count: 41,148

Play Time: 864 hours

Total Score: 137,706,934,485

Current Level: 101


Total Hits: 14,290,173

Maximum Combo: 3,365

Total Kudosu Earned: 0

Replays Watched by Others: 39 times

98 735 1691

For further information on stats and scoring, see the wiki.
Top Ranks