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Sleman regency, S.R.Yogyakarta
entrepreneur - boarding house
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7,197 posts
tfw that feel that when fell that open bn no reqs then closed bn has reqs wadefuk guyyss dontt krezi zzzzzZ

secretly a ctb player, also mapping mania and confused dizzy migraine with taiko or std
if you want get taiko mod from me ( thankyou Cychloryn for made this site ) Status: closed ( modding on my own accord )
Beatmap Nomination: closed (open next week, clearing current requests)

becareful im "stupid" (blind) bn

this is mims memesshh, joke.. im okay with any something map

this is not a joke but it seems a joke, please becareful with your "mapset" if its not marathon map

this is 69% chance to get accepted, its about the song if your map is uhhh idk

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Performance: 9,308pp (#1,477) #25

30 days agoDays90 days agonow#1000#2500Rank#2500#1000Performance Rank
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Detailed Stats
Ranked Score: 2,490,142,283

Hit Accuracy: 99.27%

Play Count: 71,774

Play Time: 1,161 hours

Total Score: 22,661,910,624

Current Level: 99


Total Hits: 24,395,099

Maximum Combo: 4,000

Total Kudosu Earned: 1,644

Replays Watched by Others: 4,729 times

875 1597 591

For further information on stats and scoring, see the wiki.
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