Beatmap Listing » David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon

Artist:David Wise Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Gang-Plank Galleon HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Hara Accuracy:
Length:1:38 (1:22 drain)
Source:Donkey Kong Country Genre:Video Game (Instrumental) BPM:128.3
Tags: User Rating:
68 468
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
9.6% (3913 of 40931 plays)
Mar 8, 2009
May 23, 2009
Rating Spread:
Favourited 99 times in total
Users that love this map: Annou, meneghello, SteampunkWillie, mgs1, AniDachi, demonicmugen, ExGon, eddieee, Ackie_old, Nadles, Dirtybastard, In those days, Jav9, CloudsT1, Pyramid, CrazyCaseRH, Rovk, packo20, akicingdeath, davidwxy and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

Well, here it is. Gang-Plank Galleon composed by David Wise for the lovely game Donkey Kong Country.

Sending it up for some timing checking.

1. Fixed up timing with YoshiKart's help a little.
2. Note placement about finished on [Bananas] - Might rename that.
3. Fixed up timing with Gens timing, feels better in the end now.
4. Cleaned up Banana a bit.
5. Fixed Banana up abit, added a few notes on the end, added a few sliders.
6. Added 0_o's Normal, not sure what I'm gonna call it if I don't keep "N0_ormal".
7. Fixing with Hitsounds on Bananas, not going well.
8. Fixed some stuff, added background, hitsounds are still :U, need some input on that.
9. Upped to Pending.
10. Fixed stuff based on Sir Minneli's modding.
11. Updated stuff.
12. Fixed stuff by Lardo. Fixed the combo points pointed out by Minelli a bit back at 00:35:xx on N0_0rmal aswell, since they were quite obvious as well.
13. Fixed stuff and reupped with Larry's dificulty. I need to come up with a good name for it if I don't keep what I have.
14. Made the silent timing sections use a silent .wav for hitnormal.wav instead of making audio silent and fixed stuff.
15. Fixed minyeob stuff. Still need to work on hitsounds :S
16. Fixed stuff, added v0xtrot's normal... Need a better name for that.
17. Fixed stuff, added hitsounds, looked at modding, lots of stuff, I think everything should be in order now.
18. Fixed cardy stuff, except my sliders on Bananas :D
19. Fixedy fixedy.
20. Fixed stuff.
pewdekz is in the lead! ()
Score4,426,320 (96.89%)
Max Combo412
300 / 100 / 50266 / 13 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)58
Katu (Beat!)10

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
4,426,320 96.89% pewdekz 412 266  /  13  /  0 58 10 0 HD,HR,DT
4,298,622 100.00% ExGon 412 279  /  0  /  0 68 0 0 HD,FL
4,298,622 100.00% TemaZpro 412 279  /  0  /  0 68 0 0 HD,DT
4,298,622 100.00% NO37 412 279  /  0  /  0 68 0 0 HD,DT
4,298,622 100.00% chicken_10 412 279  /  0  /  0 68 0 0 HD,DT
4,282,388 99.04% Twilazs 412 275  /  4  /  0 64 4 0 HD,DT
4,269,349 99.52% Lilily 412 277  /  2  /  0 66 2 0 HD,DT
4,269,340 99.28% 4rou 412 276  /  3  /  0 65 3 0 HD,FL
4,250,277 98.81% Cyrzai 412 274  /  5  /  0 65 3 0 HD,DT
4,246,831 99.28% Haadez 412 276  /  3  /  0 66 2 0 HD,DT
4,240,994 99.04% WubWoofWolf 411 275  /  4  /  0 65 3 0 HD,DT
4,237,411 97.79% Fangzy 412 270  /  8  /  1 63 4 0 HD,DT
4,221,346 98.57% billie eilish 412 273  /  6  /  0 62 6 0 HD,DT
4,205,920 97.61% Minecraft570 412 269  /  10  /  0 59 9 0 HD,DT
4,204,220 97.85% Tabletti 412 270  /  9  /  0 61 7 0 HD,DT
4,203,783 97.61% greeeenpanda 412 269  /  10  /  0 61 7 0 HD,DT
4,200,765 97.85% Xuccess 411 270  /  9  /  0 62 6 0 HD,DT
4,184,980 97.61% Biocode 412 269  /  10  /  0 60 8 0 HD,DT
4,182,517 97.85% Woey 412 270  /  9  /  0 62 6 0 HD,DT
4,180,932 97.37% Nitroz 412 268  /  11  /  0 59 9 0 HD,NC
4,165,590 96.48% blejd 412 265  /  11  /  3 63 4 0 HD,DT
4,164,898 97.79% Danny Carey 412 270  /  8  /  1 62 5 0 HD,DT
4,159,615 96.42% See 412 264  /  15  /  0 59 9 0 HD,NC
4,153,621 96.18% Wispy 412 263  /  16  /  0 61 7 0 HD,DT
4,147,325 96.65% micne 412 265  /  14  /  0 58 10 0 HD,DT
4,138,943 96.89% qwr 411 266  /  13  /  0 59 9 0 HD,NC
4,129,042 95.76% _NotSoFast_ 412 262  /  14  /  3 59 7 0 HD,NC
4,128,391 96.59% sinn 411 265  /  13  /  1 57 10 0 HD,DT
4,128,119 96.89% LoredanaTomaFan 411 266  /  13  /  0 59 9 0 HD,DT
4,116,714 96.89% SHADOW FREAK 410 266  /  13  /  0 60 8 0 HD,DT
4,114,217 95.88% Biggs111 412 262  /  16  /  1 56 11 0 HD,DT
4,110,243 96.18% milr_ 409 263  /  16  /  0 58 10 0 HD,DT
4,108,186 96.18% wiuuuh 412 264  /  11  /  4 56 9 0 HD,NC
4,107,055 96.30% held 412 264  /  13  /  2 58 8 0 HD,DT
4,099,108 95.94% Kajcio 411 262  /  17  /  0 57 11 0 HD,NC
4,084,108 95.22% Maklovitz 412 259  /  20  /  0 58 10 0 HD,DT
4,081,937 96.54% AndrewRK 411 265  /  12  /  2 59 8 0 HD,DT
4,081,776 95.46% - aesthetic - 411 260  /  19  /  0 56 12 0 HD,NC
4,075,339 94.50% Kathalshame 412 256  /  23  /  0 56 12 0 HD,DT
4,066,714 94.62% cheetachyi 412 257  /  20  /  2 58 8 0 HD,DT
4,063,244 94.80% emilia 411 258  /  19  /  1 58 8 1 HD,DT
4,060,368 100.00% Fuwzie 412 279  /  0  /  0 68 0 0 DT
4,053,916 95.46% MordeyMay 412 260  /  19  /  0 60 8 0 HD,DT
4,051,384 94.98% -Fusein- 410 258  /  21  /  0 57 11 0 HD,DT
4,049,805 95.22% TheTopError 410 259  /  20  /  0 54 14 0 HD,DT
4,047,566 93.01% GinPk 412 251  /  23  /  5 53 13 0 HD,DT
4,039,476 98.81% Ma Yuyu 412 274  /  5  /  0 67 1 0 DT
4,036,439 99.52% Mismagius 411 277  /  2  /  0 66 2 0 FL
4,020,016 98.09% Reclude 412 271  /  8  /  0 62 6 0 DT
4,015,953 93.37% xasuma 411 252  /  24  /  3 58 8 0 HD,DT
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