Beatmap Listing » David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon

Artist:David Wise Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Gang-Plank Galleon HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Hara Accuracy:
Length:1:38 (1:22 drain)
Source:Donkey Kong Country Genre:Video Game (Instrumental) BPM:128.3
Tags: User Rating:
68 468
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
9.6% (3922 of 40958 plays)
Mar 8, 2009
May 23, 2009
Rating Spread:
Favourited 98 times in total
Users that love this map: Annou, meneghello, SteampunkWillie, mgs1, AniDachi, demonicmugen, ExGon, eddieee, Ackie_old, Nadles, Dirtybastard, In those days, Jav9, CloudsT1, Pyramid, CrazyCaseRH, Rovk, packo20, akicingdeath, davidwxy and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

Well, here it is. Gang-Plank Galleon composed by David Wise for the lovely game Donkey Kong Country.

Sending it up for some timing checking.

1. Fixed up timing with YoshiKart's help a little.
2. Note placement about finished on [Bananas] - Might rename that.
3. Fixed up timing with Gens timing, feels better in the end now.
4. Cleaned up Banana a bit.
5. Fixed Banana up abit, added a few notes on the end, added a few sliders.
6. Added 0_o's Normal, not sure what I'm gonna call it if I don't keep "N0_ormal".
7. Fixing with Hitsounds on Bananas, not going well.
8. Fixed some stuff, added background, hitsounds are still :U, need some input on that.
9. Upped to Pending.
10. Fixed stuff based on Sir Minneli's modding.
11. Updated stuff.
12. Fixed stuff by Lardo. Fixed the combo points pointed out by Minelli a bit back at 00:35:xx on N0_0rmal aswell, since they were quite obvious as well.
13. Fixed stuff and reupped with Larry's dificulty. I need to come up with a good name for it if I don't keep what I have.
14. Made the silent timing sections use a silent .wav for hitnormal.wav instead of making audio silent and fixed stuff.
15. Fixed minyeob stuff. Still need to work on hitsounds :S
16. Fixed stuff, added v0xtrot's normal... Need a better name for that.
17. Fixed stuff, added hitsounds, looked at modding, lots of stuff, I think everything should be in order now.
18. Fixed cardy stuff, except my sliders on Bananas :D
19. Fixedy fixedy.
20. Fixed stuff.
Ney is in the lead! ()
Score457,840 (99.31%)
Max Combo364
300 / 100 / 50359 / 5 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)11
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
457,840 99.31% Ney 364 359  /  5  /  0 11 0 0 DT,SD
438,252 98.90% cagalin 364 356  /  8  /  0 0 0 0 HR
429,880 100.00% Saikoro 364 364  /  0  /  0 13 0 0 None
429,880 100.00% Deli 364 364  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 None
428,260 100.00% Orukaa 364 364  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 PF
420,700 99.04% Shyguy 364 357  /  7  /  0 33 0 0 None
420,420 99.45% Renka 364 360  /  4  /  0 5 0 0 None
415,848 95.05% lukinhasxxx 364 328  /  36  /  0 0 0 0 HR
415,770 98.63% musake 364 354  /  10  /  0 4 0 0 SD
414,648 93.68% L e X 364 318  /  46  /  0 0 0 0 HR
409,890 99.04% TTTL 364 357  /  7  /  0 0 0 0 None
408,780 96.70% RikeTouhou 364 340  /  24  /  0 0 0 0 None
407,770 96.57% megamaster2 364 339  /  25  /  0 0 0 0 None
401,820 96.15% Shiro 364 336  /  28  /  0 0 0 0 None
396,980 95.05% tzy82538059 364 328  /  36  /  0 0 0 0 None
386,590 93.82% xtrem3x 364 319  /  45  /  0 0 0 0 None
383,670 87.91% 787B 364 276  /  88  /  0 0 0 0 HR
361,360 94.51% Circy 364 324  /  40  /  0 0 0 0 None
351,470 88.60% Milestails_old 364 281  /  83  /  0 0 0 0 None
348,020 89.84% ExtraT9 364 290  /  74  /  0 0 0 0 None
338,210 94.92% sakanahiroki 219 331  /  29  /  0 0 0 4 None
336,860 93.41% Watanabe_old 220 317  /  46  /  0 0 0 1 None
335,400 93.27% gt705am 268 317  /  45  /  0 0 0 2 None
315,170 93.27% shadowlink44 219 317  /  45  /  0 4 0 2 None
312,680 92.45% gtfo 244 314  /  45  /  0 0 0 5 None
303,550 86.13% [Luanny] 189 265  /  97  /  0 0 0 2 None
302,480 89.84% miranda12 258 292  /  70  /  0 0 0 2 None
292,400 94.92% EuSouAsil 151 332  /  27  /  0 0 0 5 None
274,930 89.97% Marseille 185 296  /  63  /  0 0 0 5 None
274,370 88.32% tsuguio 219 281  /  81  /  0 0 0 2 None
265,090 85.03% kameman_old 196 261  /  97  /  0 0 0 6 None
260,720 89.15% zipzup_old 186 293  /  63  /  0 0 0 8 None
258,000 87.09% S4NDW1CHHH 180 284  /  66  /  0 1 2 14 None
249,760 89.29% kuymaster 133 290  /  70  /  0 0 0 4 None
249,400 88.87% TatsuyaSuou_old 134 295  /  57  /  0 0 0 12 None
244,050 89.56% Bernie Sanders 150 296  /  60  /  0 12 1 8 None
237,480 90.93% majulito 107 304  /  54  /  0 0 0 6 None
235,160 85.99% LoverOfPies 138 272  /  82  /  0 3 3 10 None
234,090 84.48% zoo70597 172 263  /  89  /  0 0 0 12 None
233,460 86.54% Harufi 123 275  /  80  /  0 5 0 9 None
233,230 90.80% Hydragoon 125 305  /  51  /  0 0 0 8 None
230,520 85.71% Pheonixis 109 269  /  86  /  0 0 0 9 None
229,030 88.87% Sephiii HD 130 290  /  67  /  0 0 0 7 None
228,990 89.70% yukkesaber 103 304  /  45  /  0 25 4 15 None
224,810 88.05% geriamund 123 286  /  69  /  0 0 0 9 None
219,730 90.52% Tsred 107 302  /  55  /  0 0 0 7 None
215,890 89.42% Malajax 112 294  /  63  /  0 0 0 7 None
204,980 85.44% sabler 126 268  /  86  /  0 0 0 10 None
202,260 86.81% ironc90 105 288  /  56  /  0 0 0 20 None
199,040 90.66% SasoriMaster 105 306  /  48  /  0 0 0 10 None
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