Beatmap Listing » UKRampage - Jack-the-Ripper

Artist:UKRampage Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Jack-the-Ripper HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:DeviousPanda Accuracy:
Length:3:34 (3:32 drain)
Source:Tone Sphere Genre:Jazz (Instrumental) BPM:210
Tags:arukatachi 有ル形 instrumental jazz progressive rock electronic raiden -dusk _dusk_ tasuke912 capu lazarus xoul gordon paradogi knightc0re knightcore calliecube User Rating:
18 323
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
25.9% (12705 of 49078 plays)
Dec 28, 2020
Dec 11, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 680 times in total
Users that love this map: Shyguy, KogumaX, Omgforz, koral, huue, SiberianBreaks, sekireaaw, gusrua123, L1XY, _Shield, Necromancy-, Iglacy, LaZyAzN, Enon, PaRaDogi, gaming, fedoragoose, -Atri-, Imokora, Capu and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion


download link with no keysounds if you have issues with the filesize

Spread Credits

Hitsounds by me
Keysounds by ScubDomino

Extravaganza - me
Extra - 6* melwoine/yaspo collab
Expert - 5* Callie
Insane - Knightc0re
Hyper - PaRaDogi
Hard - Gordon

Inner Oni - Raiden
Inner Oni - _DUSK_
Oni - tasuke912
Muzukashii - Capu

2020 was an amazing year in mapping for me and im glad that i could end it off with the best map ive made up to that point, thanks for playing!

Image Source

osu!: UberFazz/Morrighan
Taiko: yenmaster/Hivie
Novoids is in the lead! ()
Score46,499,101 (100.00%)
Max Combo1358
300 / 100 / 501336 / 22 / 562
Geki (Elite Beat!)279
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
46,499,101 100.00% Novoids 1358 1336  /  22  /  562 279 0 0 HD
43,890,812 100.00% lIlIlIlIlIlIIIl 1358 1336  /  22  /  562 279 0 0 None
26,182,112 99.95% Zonemax 975 1335  /  22  /  562 278 0 1 None
26,182,112 99.95% _Nanami 975 1335  /  22  /  562 278 0 1 None
25,048,652 99.79% yeeeter 973 1332  /  22  /  562 276 0 4 None
24,830,822 99.74% elluka03 973 1334  /  22  /  559 277 3 2 None
24,679,202 99.58% Romania 973 1331  /  22  /  559 275 3 5 None
24,649,522 99.74% Pizou 972 1332  /  22  /  561 276 1 4 None
22,834,302 99.01% someon 949 1325  /  21  /  555 270 7 12 None
17,702,752 98.39% Systine 838 1309  /  22  /  558 261 4 27 None
15,119,690 99.48% Dragonesia 692 1329  /  22  /  559 273 3 7 None
14,220,516 98.65% Black Dragon 705 1315  /  21  /  558 263 4 22 None
13,783,426 99.06% projectwha 692 1325  /  22  /  555 269 7 11 None
13,090,806 99.69% Zak 608 1331  /  22  /  561 274 1 5 HD
12,767,354 98.85% Animehero2021 665 1317  /  22  /  559 266 3 19 None
9,003,632 99.53% brazos party 370 1327  /  22  /  562 271 0 9 None
8,644,965 99.01% Mirimz 331 1323  /  22  /  556 267 6 13 HD,HR
8,307,044 98.33% CircusRockS 464 1313  /  21  /  554 262 8 24 None
6,607,906 97.92% Aspurgler 344 1312  /  21  /  547 258 15 25 None
6,492,277 98.54% Lovelysongfull 645 1316  /  22  /  554 264 8 20 EZ,DT
5,967,378 98.07% benjaxdthebest 343 1313  /  21  /  549 259 13 24 None
5,756,462 96.82% Yuney 401 1287  /  21  /  551 238 11 50 None
5,754,040 98.65% murorachi 267 1313  /  21  /  560 261 2 24 HD,HR
5,654,474 98.59% UnraiMatsu 243 1315  /  21  /  557 262 5 22 None
5,155,408 98.39% Coevir 253 1309  /  22  /  558 261 4 27 DT
4,891,058 97.81% Crustbell 259 1309  /  22  /  547 259 15 27 None
4,727,002 96.98% Akatsuzu 344 1291  /  20  /  551 239 11 47 None
4,698,612 99.32% [Eun] 454 1325  /  22  /  560 270 2 11 EZ
4,643,738 96.46% C0IN 322 1285  /  21  /  546 243 16 52 DT
3,976,024 96.04% SilverXde 275 1276  /  20  /  548 237 14 62 None
3,328,406 96.61% Rozemyne 210 1279  /  22  /  554 239 8 57 HD
1,746,724 93.80% asphalt89 247 1236  /  21  /  544 213 18 101 EZ
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Please go check them out!