Beatmap Listing » UKRampage - Jack-the-Ripper

Artist:UKRampage Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Jack-the-Ripper HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:DeviousPanda Accuracy:
Length:3:34 (3:33 drain)
Source:Tone Sphere Genre:Jazz (Instrumental) BPM:210
Tags:arukatachi 有ル形 instrumental jazz progressive rock electronic raiden -dusk _dusk_ tasuke912 capu lazarus xoul gordon paradogi knightc0re knightcore calliecube User Rating:
18 323
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
9.0% (2520 of 27991 plays)
Dec 28, 2020
Dec 11, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 679 times in total
Users that love this map: Shyguy, KogumaX, Omgforz, koral, huue, SiberianBreaks, sekireaaw, gusrua123, L1XY, _Shield, Necromancy-, Iglacy, LaZyAzN, Enon, PaRaDogi, gaming, fedoragoose, -Atri-, Imokora, Capu and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion


download link with no keysounds if you have issues with the filesize

Spread Credits

Hitsounds by me
Keysounds by ScubDomino

Extravaganza - me
Extra - 6* melwoine/yaspo collab
Expert - 5* Callie
Insane - Knightc0re
Hyper - PaRaDogi
Hard - Gordon

Inner Oni - Raiden
Inner Oni - _DUSK_
Oni - tasuke912
Muzukashii - Capu

2020 was an amazing year in mapping for me and im glad that i could end it off with the best map ive made up to that point, thanks for playing!

Image Source

osu!: UberFazz/Morrighan
Taiko: yenmaster/Hivie
Abstract- is in the lead! ()
Score34,241,120 (99.77%)
Max Combo1010
300 / 100 / 501523 / 41 / 570
Geki (Elite Beat!)334
Droplet misses2

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
34,241,120 99.77% Abstract- 1010 1523  /  41  /  570 334 2 3 None
33,557,376 99.35% Electr0o 994 1515  /  41  /  569 330 3 11 HD
23,339,150 99.11% Captain 805 1512  /  41  /  567 328 5 14 None
22,728,150 99.11% Adeus 805 1514  /  41  /  565 326 7 12 None
21,510,960 98.46% Rawaj 806 1497  /  41  /  568 318 4 29 None
20,021,440 99.02% -Kaguya 710 1511  /  41  /  566 327 6 15 None
12,787,440 98.50% monstratorfull 493 1504  /  41  /  562 323 10 22 None
9,686,520 98.97% Mwallx 333 1508  /  41  /  568 322 4 18 None
8,605,570 98.36% Golterboose 373 1500  /  41  /  563 320 9 26 None
7,349,630 97.01% carrodz 319 1482  /  40  /  553 302 19 45 None
6,385,693 98.27% Zak 276 1491  /  41  /  570 312 2 35 HD
5,921,420 96.35% SiberianBreaks 260 1462  /  41  /  558 298 14 64 None
5,652,910 97.71% C0IN 252 1492  /  41  /  557 311 15 34 None
5,562,220 95.84% yeeeter 305 1461  /  41  /  548 291 24 65 None
5,292,719 99.11% Arctaroll 383 1516  /  41  /  563 328 9 10 HR,HT
4,836,653 96.73% [Eun] 223 1475  /  41  /  553 304 19 51 HD
3,641,770 97.15% Systine 305 1483  /  40  /  555 307 17 44 NF
2,184,320 93.45% Alantel 158 1418  /  40  /  541 274 31 109 EZ
1,151,201 88.64% DeletedUser_9228388 107 1337  /  40  /  519 231 53 190 EZ,DT
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